Thursday, December 18, 2008

Presidents: The New Pharoahs

Yes, I was just reading where the Saudis and other less-than-desirables have donated funds for the Clinton library. It hit me, just then, that these Presidential Libraries are like the Pyramids of old, one man's quest for immortality. They all do it, and it is just the same thing; that's all it is.

Great excitement for me that my baby boy and his darling sweetheart are coming here to Tampa to spend eight days of the holiday. Just having them in the same airspace, and then being fortunate to be going across the state for four days at Christmas, where I will see my other son's family which includes my granddaughters, is a welcome event in my rather staid life.

I am checking into reviving my nursing career, as well as writing what I hope to be a funny tale of Internet dating--it isn't pretty, but it is funny, and my experiences do reflect the fact that, at least in my case, it doesn't work. But, like so many life experiences, it is one worth having.

Florida is beautiful now--fifties at night, seventies during the days (although it seems to be sneaking above eighty lately), and I can guess the joy that northerners feel when they deplane here.

I have two identical dresses to wear to my daughter's upcoming wedding in February. One is too small and the other is too big. Why is it always like this? Irony dwelleth here.