Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Beautiful Overcast Day

and we are even having occasional showers. Florida gets way too much sunshine, so I am always pleased when a cloudy day comes along.  As for the yard, well, I try to do one thing every day: today I am going to mulch an area. If I get really ambitious, I will dig holes to move three or four crotons into.

The cable guy is here, discovering that the other installer did, in fact, fail to hook up the cable in the proper room: I always worry when I cannot make something electronic work, that another person will just pick it up and turn it "on" and I will feel like the usual dope. This, recently, happened with MacBook, which would not load my Safari browser for about a day and a half. I took it in, to the Apple Store at the mall, and it worked perfectly, making me feel like a dimwad. It was good for one, thing, however, as the technician there loaded Mozilla Firefox for me, so I would have an option in the future. 

The meatballs are cooking in the sauce, and I am about to launch into making a new recipe for Pumpkin Bars--I am going to substitute pecans for the raisins. Tomorrow I am making a carrot cake. I have no plans for Thanksgiving, other than to heat a TV dinner, homemade, but one of five I put together to give to my parents when I next see them, along with the breast meat that I put into the freezer for them. I plan to get a lot of things done around my house, though, such as moving things from bags and piles into drawers and closets. 

I would stop this boring prattle, but the cable guy is still working, putting in an extra cable for me so that I can watch TV in the kitchen, and my internet is out, so all I can do is to keep typing along until he is done. I am guessing that I will offer him a tip of some sort, maybe ten dollars, for putting it in for me, through the wall, and all. That was not why he came out--it was because of the non-working cable: I just asked him for a "favor" being as I am "all alone" here. 

I have to find a drill because one table leg's hole is too deep for the longest bolt made: this very masculine woman at Home Depot told me how to fix it: drill the hold big enough so that I can fit the 5/12 inch dowel in the hole. Measure the depth of the hole, cut the dowel the correct length (like two inches, max), put glue in the hole, put the dowel in to dry. The next day, drill a new hole, right into the now hardened dowel area, and screw the bolt into that hole, and now it will work.

Now, to find a drill...

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