Thursday, April 30, 2009

Oh the heat is coming

So it appears that tomorrow is May the first, with Mother's Day coming up in ten days. As I am no longer talking to my mother, this causes a slight decision: I will buy a card and mail one. They have made no attempts to contact me since they moved on March 10, so I feel okay about returning the same non-attention. It is a sad ending to a troubled parent-child relationship. But I will always be grateful to my father for the financial help he gave me after I became a single mom of four children who struggled to provide her kids with what they needed. I see his help as making the difference between abject poverty, and the genteel type of poverty that we managed to enjoy.

The current state of my life is still "Limbo in God's Waiting Room" as I do more physical work than I ever imagined I could, while, at the same time, less than men do in a tenth of the time. A simple task like bringing a tall extension ladder can take me an hour, as the ladder is too heavy for me to lift, so I pull it along on a dolly, and then, getting it to make the turns needed to get inside the house is challenging to my understanding of physics, as well.

So, hallelujah, the ladder is inside the house--now to get it to stand up against the wall and, also, to get it to extend to the height required (24 feet). It is not easy to do, as pushing up on the ladder is too strenuous, so it has to be on the ground, extended, and then stood up. This requires moving much of the furniture to make room for the long ladder, and so forth.

Oh, none of this is major: it just keeps me busy until the house gets rented or sold. I have decided to have solar heat put into the pool because being able to swim will make my time here more pleasant. It should, also, make it more appealing to renters or buyers. I am cleaning out my IRA, but I am not one to hold money away for a future that I do not anticipate enjoying. So I am going to make my home comfortable, in the unlikely event that I am STUCK here.


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